Release Notes of Valuta Tools 22.0.32

Valuta Tools

Valuta Tools offers import of exchange rates from ECB and Open Exchange Rates into Exact Online companies.

These release notes describe all bug fixes and enhancements on Valuta Tools per released version. The release number consists of three elements: major version, minor version and patch version. The latest version is listed on top of the list, with older releases further down. Notes are listed per patch release for the current minor release. Changes from patch releases are bundled for previous minor releases. The release notes include all changes deemed informative for use outside the product development team. Refactoring, logging, translations and internal code-only changes are not included in these external release notes. A change is considered a bug fix when it solves a problem with previously released functionality. A change is considered an enhancement when the software change extends previously released functionality.

Release Date: 8-2-2022 21:39:41 (UTC)

Version: 22.0.32

State: Production

Manufacturer: Invantive Software B.V.

Brand: Invantive

Operating systems:

Category: Business


MSI Product ID: 4259ccf5-2480-4dd2-9940-1e2511256aae

MSI Version ID: 4259ccf5-2480-4dd2-9940-1e2500001600

MSI Product Name: Valuta Tools 22.0

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Software Requirements:


Version 1.1.8, released 2019-04-11.

- Add basic user registration for future automatic loading and remembered settings.
- Add buttons to select all available companies and to revert to default company.
- Add contact information.
- Include context-sensitive ad.
- Log number of errors continued upon by Data Hub.
- Maintain user statistics.
- Redirect to log on page when access token has expired instead of displaying -1.
- Reduce runtime of exchange rate tool for large amounts (1M+) of registered rates.
- Show ECB/OER health status, including timespan till new data.

Bug fixes:
- Add documentation and help button.
- Add IE11 support.
- Add user window.
- Avoid continuous refresh when ad blocker is active.
- Calculate last ECB rate correctly for servers running in timezone different from ECB itself.
- Change cache control policy to ease upgrades without forcing users to press CTRL+F5.
- Correctly tab order through fields.
- Display status correctly of sources based upon age.
- Enforce that at least one company is selected, as well as that number of days to import is at least 1.
- Fix Inter Explorer 11 display.
- Fix intermittent itgendcr004 error by upgrading Data Access Point.
- Force user to close loading completion window manually to allow visual inspection.