Release Notes of Invantive® Web Library 23.0.132

Invantive® Web Library

A library to aid in the development of ASP.NET web applications on Microsoft Windows.

These release notes describe all bug fixes and enhancements on Invantive® Web Library per released version. The release number consists of three elements: major version, minor version and patch version. The latest version is listed on top of the list, with older releases further down. Notes are listed per patch release for the current minor release. Changes from patch releases are bundled for previous minor releases. The release notes include all changes deemed informative for use outside the product development team. Refactoring, logging, translations and internal code-only changes are not included in these external release notes. A change is considered a bug fix when it solves a problem with previously released functionality. A change is considered an enhancement when the software change extends previously released functionality.

This software, developed by Invantive, is designed to support a variety of business and information technology data processing functions, such as accounting, financial reporting an sales reporting. It is important to note that this software is not designed, tested, or approved for use in environments where malfunction or failure could lead to life-threatening situations or severe physical or environmental damage. This includes, but is not limited to:

Users must ensure that they understand the intended use of the software and refrain from deploying it in any setting that falls outside of its designed purpose. It is the responsibility of the user to assess the suitability of the software for their intended application, especially in any scenarios that might pose a risk to life, health, or the environment.

Invantive disclaims any responsibility for damage, injury, or legal consequences resulting from the use or misuse of this software in prohibited or unintended applications.

Version: 23.0.132

Released: 14-12-2023 20:32:04 (UTC)

State: Production

Manufacturer: Invantive Software B.V.

Brand: Invantive

Operating systems:

  • Client: any modern HTTP client
  • Web Server: Microsoft Windows 10
  • Web Server: Microsoft Windows Server 2016 (64-bit)
  • Web Server: Microsoft Windows Server 2019
  • Web Server: Microsoft Windows Server 2022


  • Requires Internet access.
  • Requires all required Operating System updates applied at most 1 month ago.

Software Requirements:

  • Microsoft .NET 4.8 or higher.
  • Screen resolution 1280x1024 or higher.
  • User license for databases used and/or business applications.

Limitations: For use in service area within important safety and usage conditions.

Category: Business



  • web

MSI Product ID: 223e5c57-e0ac-4045-9300-1ba560915ec0

Included Components:

Version 22.1.205-BETA, released 2022-09-26.

- Async improvements on session state.
- Improve country label on itgenwsy003 error.
- Move to .NET 4.8.
- Upgrade from .net Framework 4.7.2 to 4.8.0.

Bug fixes:
- Fix database connections not being freed upon session end.
- Improve speed of email address lookups.
- New logic for loading translations.

Version 20.2.196, released 2021-12-28.

- Add iPhone home screen title.
- Change execution log and native call logging to NDJSON format.
- Improve Linux directory separator and CR/LF compatibility.
- Move incremental data to cache folder.
- Reduce garbage collection.
- Switch to IPv6.
- Upgrade to .NET 6.

Version 20.1.466-BETA, released 2020-08-17.

- Improve IP address determination of Data Access Point and Online SQL Editor.
- Introduce INVANTIVE_CONFIGURATION_PERMANENT_CACHE_FOLDER and INVANTIVE_CONFIGURATION_INCREMENTAL_DATA_FOLDER environment variables for configuring location of permanent cache (such as Swagger specifications) and incremental data (such as Exact Online sync APIs).
- Log native calls also to disk.
- Make locker readonly.
- Replace exception handler by preventive coding.
- Split system and SQL errors.

Bug fixes:
- Auto-detect language and register on CDN forwarded IP address.
- Avoid NRE.
- Fix duplicate loading of Outlook connector.
- Include client user IP address in logging for ACL.
- Use HTTP session ID instead of generated ID for logging.

Version 17.33.186-BETA, released 2019-11-04.

Bug fixes:
- Avoid NRE on error handling.
- Avoid NullReferenceException on watchers when license is not installed.
- Ensure that SID (identity) can be determined on web.
- Error handling.
- Set IIID to non-null when validating IP address.

Version 17.31.18-BETA, released 2019-03-18.

- Allow overrule of configuration folder location with environment variables.
- Upgrade to 4.7.2.

Version 17.29.1-BETA, released 2018-11-27.

- Add rate limits.
- Improve startup performance [ITGEN-451].

Version 17.27.25-BETA, released 2018-09-09.

- Improve compatibility checks.
- Improve read/write checks on web folders.
- Increase maximum size of result set to above 4 billion rows.
- Perform access privileges checks on App_Data folders for every new session till successful.

Bug fixes:
- Add proper escaping of reserved words across all SQL platforms.

Version 17.25.3-BETA, released 2018-08-10.

- Check system compatibility on startup of web applications.

Version 17.23.29-BETA, released 2018-05-28.

- Improved logon dialog. Updated credentials storage.
- Move providers.xml to settings.xml.

Bug fixes:
- Add checks on App_Data folder being available on application startup [ITGEN-2725].

Version 17.20.16-BETA, released 2018-03-23.

Bug fixes:
- Correct determination of base URL for skin.css and images.

Version 17.19.11-BETA, released 2017-12-27.

- Add central definition of application data root folder.
- Change background color and font color of heading.
- Relocate assemblies for additional providers to App_Data folder.
- Replace skin for PDF manual.
- Support executing a file through @@ in Query Tool as in Data Hub. Also add support for it to Data Access Point [ITGEN-2009].

Bug fixes:
- Correct path of configuration files providers.xml and application.xml.
- Re-start Invantive Web apps when configuration changes.
- Set application code or Invantive Web apps.