Release Notes of Invantive® Data Access Point 24.0.163

Invantive® Data Access Point

Invantive.DataAccessPoint is a web server framework for running Invantive UniversalSQL-based web applications on Microsoft IIS. Pre-defined templates on the web server can be executed from a browser as HTML, binary content and XHR.

These release notes describe all bug fixes and enhancements on Invantive® Data Access Point per released version. The release number consists of three elements: major version, minor version and patch version. The latest version is listed on top of the list, with older releases further down. Notes are listed per patch release for the current minor release. Changes from patch releases are bundled for previous minor releases. The release notes include all changes deemed informative for use outside the product development team. Refactoring, logging, translations and internal code-only changes are not included in these external release notes. A change is considered a bug fix when it solves a problem with previously released functionality. A change is considered an enhancement when the software change extends previously released functionality.

This software, developed by Invantive, is designed to support a variety of business and information technology data processing functions, such as accounting, financial reporting an sales reporting. It is important to note that this software is not designed, tested, or approved for use in environments where malfunction or failure could lead to life-threatening situations or severe physical or environmental damage. This includes, but is not limited to:

Users must ensure that they understand the intended use of the software and refrain from deploying it in any setting that falls outside of its designed purpose. It is the responsibility of the user to assess the suitability of the software for their intended application, especially in any scenarios that might pose a risk to life, health, or the environment.

Invantive disclaims any responsibility for damage, injury, or legal consequences resulting from the use or misuse of this software in prohibited or unintended applications.

Version: 24.0.163

Released: 29-04-2024 17:43:21 (UTC)

State: Production

Manufacturer: Invantive Software B.V.

Brand: Invantive

Operating systems:

  • Client: any modern HTTP client
  • Web Server: Microsoft Windows 10
  • Web Server: Microsoft Windows Server 2016 (64-bit)
  • Web Server: Microsoft Windows Server 2019
  • Web Server: Microsoft Windows Server 2022

Memory Requirements: 1 GB


  • Requires Internet access.
  • Requires all required Operating System updates applied at most 1 month ago.
  • Installation needs administrative privileges.

Software Requirements:

  • Client running modern HTTP browser.
  • Microsoft .NET 4.8 or higher.
  • Screen resolution 1280x1024 or higher.
  • User license for databases used and/or business applications.

Limitations: For use in service area within important safety and usage conditions.

Category: Business


Download (URL): (174 MB)

Forums (URL):

Manual (URL):

Manual (PDF):


  • activecampaign
  • afas-online
  • autotask
  • bridge-online
  • confluence
  • documentcloud
  • dropbox
  • dynamicscrm
  • ecb-exchange-rates
  • edifact
  • exact-online
  • ezbase
  • facebook
  • firebird
  • foxpro
  • freshdesk
  • ftp
  • gitlab
  • jira
  • jira-service-desk
  • kadaster
  • keepass
  • linkedin
  • magento
  • mail
  • mendix
  • microsoft-graph
  • mt940
  • mysql
  • nasa
  • nmbrs
  • oauth
  • octopus
  • odata
  • onenote
  • openarch
  • open-exchange-rates
  • oracle
  • ossus
  • paypal
  • postgresql
  • proactive
  • robaws
  • roller
  • rss
  • salesforce
  • severa
  • sftp
  • silveressence
  • simplicate
  • slack
  • snelstart
  • sql
  • sql-server
  • stackexchange
  • stackoverflow
  • swagger
  • swift
  • teamleader
  • teamviewer
  • teradata
  • twinfield
  • twitter
  • ubl
  • vies
  • virustotal
  • visma-eaccounting
  • visma-net
  • visma-severa
  • wikipedia
  • xaa
  • xaf
  • xas
  • yuki

MSI Product Name: Invantive Data Access Point 24.0.163

MSI Product ID: 2f2a336d-5d88-4f96-a981-e2084cdb5834

MSI Version ID: 2f2a336d-5d88-4f96-a981-a30000001800

Included Components:

Version 24.0.163, released 2024-04-29.

- Differentiate and translate itgenpxy091.
- Fix invantive logo.
- Updat error CSS & HTML
- Updat error CSS & HTML.

Details of Release Notes:

Version 24.0.163:
Updat error CSS & HTML
#	src/Invantive.DataAccessPoint.V2/wwwroot/images/invantive-logo.svg

Version 23.1.88-BETA, released 2023-11-27.

- Added caching properties to session I/Os.
- Extend logging by Thread ID and Task ID.
- Remove Google Analytics from Manual.

Bug fixes:
- Avoid .net crash.

Version 22.1.226-BETA, released 2023-01-01.

- Add Cloudflare 522 and 524 support.
- Add Elastic variables.
- Add ellipsis overflow for Natural Key.
- Add natural key and time to error.
- Create errorwrapper & add styling.
- Data Access Point V2.
- Move to .NET 4.8.
- Switch to streaming to allow downloads of over 1 GB.
- Test URL using JSON.
- Translate heading of error window.
- Upgrade from .net Framework 4.7.2 to 4.8.0.

Bug fixes:
- Fix Data Access Point product name on .net core.
- Fix itgenprr002 on retrieving IP address information.
- Fix OAuth refresh token flow from Data Hub and QueryTool.
- Return error messages more often in HTML-format.
- Suppress NK in error when no value available.

Version 20.2.200, released 2021-10-31.

- Add NDJSON export format.
- Add timezone functionality.
- Change execution log and native call logging to NDJSON format.
- Improve layout of error message.
- Reduce GC.
- Remove X-Powered-By.
- Switch to IPv6.

Bug fixes:
- Improve file handling of session IO log.

Version 20.1.537-BETA, released 2020-04-06.

- Also return fields with null values on results.
- Enable display of SQL and business errors for end users through config.json.
- Enable use of format in URL when no format in preset is specified.
- Improve CSS layout capabilities of HTML output.
- Improve layout of HTML output.
- Include message codes in some errors.
- Make locker readonly.
- Split message codes per type of activity.
- Split system and SQL errors.

Bug fixes:
- Allow larger URLs with large numbers of divisions.
- Always set creation date of content on Data Access Point.
- Avoid duplicate inclusion of message code in errors.
- Correctly set user IP address.
- Do not break words in HTML output.
- Error handling.

Version 17.33.108-BETA, released 2019-06-12.

- Allow entry of refresh token value directly in mini query editor.
- Describe what file must be configured to fix itgenpxy011 error.
- Raise HTTP request limits.

Bug fixes:
- Avoid ArgumentNullException when refresh token is not presented.

Version 17.31.114-BETA, released 2019-05-16.

- Add content creation date and content type output parameters for data downloads.
- Allow anonymous use of Data Access Point.
- Allow handling of up over 4 billion rows.
- Changes due to adding support for Linux/Unix/Mac OS on Invantive Producer products.
- Display partition code in error message.
- Improve performance by replacing DateTime.Now by UTC now.
- Set cache control on static files for one hour.
- Upgrade to 4.7.2.

Bug fixes:
- Defaulting data container alias when just one aliased data container is present.
- Ignore user name and password when authenticating using OAuth.

Version 17.29.0-BETA, released 2018-11-19.

- Add support for logging in on Teamleader using OAuth.
- Allow uploading files, now stored as byte arrays in the parameters. It could be useful to store more information later on, like the name of the document and other properties provided.
- Improve startup performance [ITGEN-451].
- Make DAP more resilient when the server is rebooted in the middle of an OAuth authentication process.
- Update documentation for processing files.

Bug fixes:
- A generic error occurred in GDI+. on AutoFitColumns in ExportToExcel of Data Access Point [ITGEN-3515].
- Set language of Data Access Point correctly for translations [ITGEN-3205].

Version 17.28.0, released 2018-10-23.

- Allow exporting documents.

Bug fixes:
- Remove null check since that defaults to the current requested path.

Version 17.27.26-BETA, released 2018-09-22.

- Add configuration file config.json to Data Access Point.
- Add log folder.
- Add support for JSON flattened output. Traditional format renamed to jsondataset.
- Allow OEM use of Data Access Point.
- Improve clarity of title on error window.
- Increase maximum size of result set to above 4 billion rows.
- Log off from Data Access Point.
- Make parameter value in preset optional instead of enforced until true is added  [ITGEN-3184].
- Relocate templates folder.

Bug fixes:
- Avoid errors at web session start going unnoticed.
- Avoid NullReferenceException when no configuration has been set up.

Version 17.26.9, released 2018-09-06.

- Upgrade components.

Bug fixes:
- Avoid interim internal error when following redirect during authentication on OAuth.
- Improve display of complex error messages such as "One or more errors occurred".

Version 17.25.1-BETA, released 2018-07-12.

- Allow split transfer of X-Refresh-Token for Zoho Reports.

Version 17.24.7, released 2018-06-27.

- Allow specification of content file name for exports.
- Define Excel names for the ranges filled for the result sets.
- Retrieve SQL parameter bind values from Preset file.

Bug fixes:
- Apply header format on first row of Excel, and include all rows in Excel export.
- Correctly format dates in Excel export.

Version 17.23.11-BETA, released 2018-05-15.

- Allow use of technical headers in Data Access Point.
- DAP: Load OAuth information from the connection provider, rather than then config.json.
- Improved logon dialog. Updated credentials storage.
- Support for OAuth Code Grant Flow from AngularJS.

Bug fixes:
- Improve performance by avoiding start XSLT processor for a ping.

Version 17.11.53-BETA, released 2017-12-15.

- Add configuration folder Config to App_Data.
- Add Excel export to DAP. Fix minor bug along the way.
- Add folder Scripts for Invantive SQL scripts called by '@@'.
- Add parameters to SQL statements for context.

Bug fixes:
- Avoid StackOverflow by applying missing refactoring.
- Correct determination of skin.css for HTML output.
- Exclude unsupported export format from manual.
- Remove folder Providers which movied into App_Data.