Release Notes of Invantive® Bridge Online 22.0.13-INTERNAL

Invantive® Bridge Online

Invantive Bridge Online and Invantive App Online are high-performance data exchange platforms.

These release notes describe all bug fixes and enhancements on Invantive® Bridge Online per released version. The release number consists of three elements: major version, minor version and patch version. The latest version is listed on top of the list, with older releases further down. Notes are listed per patch release for the current minor release. Changes from patch releases are bundled for previous minor releases. The release notes include all changes deemed informative for use outside the product development team. Refactoring, logging, translations and internal code-only changes are not included in these external release notes. A change is considered a bug fix when it solves a problem with previously released functionality. A change is considered an enhancement when the software change extends previously released functionality.

Release Date: 27-1-2022 23:43:21 (UTC)

Version: 22.0.13

State: Internal use only

Manufacturer: Invantive Software B.V.

Brand: Invantive

Operating systems:

Category: Business


MSI Product ID: 42dbb03a-2b0f-4cbc-a430-71728f8d7bc0

MSI Version ID: 42dbb03a-2b0f-4cbc-a430-0d0000001600

MSI Product Name: Invantive Bridge Online 22.0.13

Forums (URL):

Manual (URL):

Manual (PDF):

Memory Requirements: 1000 MB


Software Requirements:


Included Components:

Version 22.0.12, released 2022-01-20.

- Add abort rquest icon.
- Add arrow for monitoring rows.
- Add arrow to home item.
- Add audit event for invalid location.
- Add BOL response cache max age.
- Add button to open database in Cloud from BOL monitoring.
- Add cache-only mode.
- Add check on cookie keys folder.
- Add checks on configuration.
- Add class name to columns.
- Add class to Exception column.
- Add collapse menu, change logo, merge CSS.
- Add contains, substringof, startswith, endswith support on OData.
- Add copy of values to Cloud data containers.
- Add Dark Mode fixes.
- Add Dark Mode.
- Add databases to home view.
- Add errors to monitoring card.
- Add external-link icon when anchor has target.
- Add failed authentication attempts to monitoring.
- Add generated SQL statement to monitoring.
- Add icon for errors in monitoring.
- Add IP address V6 handling.
- Add last log on attempt date, error code and message on databases.
- Add message code column in monitoring.
- Add message code to monitoring.
- Add monitoring for regular users, updated UI.
- Add more extensive retry on Data Guard and Open ID connections.
- Add parameters to cloud_metadata.execute_module_* functions.
- Add public query parameters to session I/O in data dictionary.
- Add refresh data icon.
- Add refresh icon.
- Add retry on Data Guard on timeout.
- Add shorter home screen title.
- Add site.js to check if it solves length isseus for very long paths.
- Add structured error logging for missing metadata.
- Add tips.
- Add title attribute to Path cells.
- Additional check that the user is using an Invantive Cloud-suitable log on code.
- Additional data on monitoring.
- Allow aborting requests in Monitoring.
- Allow canceling execution of queries.
- Allow changing user language.
- Allow executing modules from within another module.
- Allow logging in using Cloud username and password on Bridge Online.
- Alternative error code on Power BI timeout.
- Application Add application startup SQL.
- Automatically rewrite Cloud user names to lower-case and remove spaces, as on Invantive Cloud itself.
- Better represent main items as clickable.
- Break-word for column form layout Bridge Online.
- Cache EDM model.
- Cancellation on pending requests.
- Check that a database has at least one data container.
- Clearer OAuth errors.
- Company name in header.
- Configurable "Expiration time of inactive session (sec).".
- Differentiate internal error DDC4AB to multiple codes.
- Differentiate system and security errors.
- Display billing ID, table and parameter values per request.
- Display Bridge Online delays in monitoring due to authentication failures.
- Display itgenboe147/itgenboe161 on user cancellation.
- Failover on jQuery.
- Fix application documentation span Dark Mode.
- Fix background size bulb image hintswrapper.
- Fix contrast back button Dark Mode.
- Fix hints wrapper margin.
- Fix hintswrapper margin.
- Fix hintwrapper width.
- Fix hover and active background home button
- Fix layout delegations menu & layout list footer details.
- Fix length login screen Cloud.
- Fix menu bar.
- Fix menu dark mode.
- Fix monitoring CSS.
- Fix overlay searching system messages Cloud.
- Fix scrolling issue (paging falling off).
- Fix username/organization color and underline.
- Fix various Dark Mode.
- Forward application name and version from App Online to logging.
- Give better error messages on BOL.
- Highlight home menu when selected.
- Hover menu button dark mode.
- Improve data type resolution, including MaxLength, Precision and Scale attributes.
- Improve IP address determination behind CDN.
- Improve logic for consecutive failed logons.
- Improve message itgenahr104.
- Improve monitoring.
- Improve partition count minimum.
- In Power BI use the most inner error as error to be displayed to ease self-service.
- Increase precision of datetimes.
- Increase timeout for semaphores to allow long-running Teamleader queries up to 3 hrs.
- Lighter blue from cache table row.
- Log exceptions of App Online in Monitoring.
- Make tooltip overflow parent for new user form.
- Merge style-dt & site.css.
- Monitoring for all users.
- Monitoring: add compressed/uncompressed response size.
- More horizontal margin external link icon.
- More persistently retry when the Data Guard is down for some time.
- New monitoring sub dialog.
- No ellipsis on description in tables.
- Performance of Cloud apps.
- Red error indicator on rows with an exception.
- Reduce GC.
- Register mail when downloading of Bridge Online data failed.
- Register time spent waiting on throttles in monitoring.
- Remove character.
- Remove color-scheme CSS, goed wrong with Tawk.
- Replace CSS with Cloud CSS.
- Return HTTP status 499 for client closed request on Bridge Online.
- Right data for Exception title attribute.
- Separate cache key and cache file name.
- Separate EDM cache into separate folder.
- Set interval to 60000.
- Show cache duration in monitoring.
- Show databases in Bridge Online start page.
- Show number of data containers to repair in dashboard.
- Smaller spacing monitoring stats card so 'More' fits.
- Support $count and basic $select functionality.
- Tool tips.
- Try to add title attribute to Exception cells.
- Update CSS BOL.
- Upgrade to .NET 6.
- Use Bridge URL segment in data container ID for BridgeOnlineOdata4ZipOutCache instead of ID.
- Wizard for setting up MFA for the first time.
- Wrap on description column.
- Wrapping for description column monitoringSubTable.
- Write additional properties to response cache, retrieve them for monitoring later on.

Bug fixes:
- Add fail-safe when failing retrieving metadata of columns.
- Add locking on EDM metadata.
- Add missing icons.
- Add rewrite back with escaped DEFAULT notation to original name.
- Add sequence to monitoring data to improve sorting.
- Better check if session is in use to prevent trashing an active session.
- Fill data container ID when (re-)connecting.
- Fix click on collapsed menu.
- Fix dark mode on application template.
- Fix error registration on BOL database open.
- Fix fields excluded in EOL XML leading to issues.
- Fix GZIP compression error.
- Fix itgenboe022 error message when retrieving data from Bridge Online.
- Fix layout on password forms.
- Fix loading translations.
- Fix logging issue on BOL.
- Fix monitoring checkboxes not resetting their values.
- Fix NaN on monitoring.
- Fix retrieving database segment.
- Fix see more....
- Fix use of pool identity "anonymous".
- Fix width of MFA password entry.
- Improve error message when not able to refresh token on Exact Online.
- Improve error on providers not having partitions.
- Improve exception handling so exceptions get registered by the response cache and monitoring.
- Improve handling of Ctrl+Click on dashboard cards.
- Improve monitoring, adding cache only and fixing from cache resolution.
- Keep into account the "Prefer" header to see if we should serialize all fields (also with null values), or just the fields with values.
- Minimize chances of getting invalid JSON result by pre-fetching first row of the result.
- Monitoring reset values when empty.
- Normalize field names to comply to the OData naming convention.
- Order databases on home page.
- Prevent type error on monitoring.
- Remove fields not requested from result set.
- Return HTTP 401 when not providing username/password.
- Show dates as UTC in table.
- User-friendly web socket error.

Version 20.1.114-BETA, released 2020-05-08.

- Add authentication on web sockets, integrate monitoring.
- Add Bridge Online download to CSV sample application.
- Add pool identity to more scenarios.
- Add sample.
- Allow custom Bridge Online URL segments.
- Allow differentiating request throttle capacity between identical requests and license limits.
- Fine-tune progress reporting.
- Improve CloudWatch logging.
- Improve error message itgenboe034.
- Make itgenboe031 message more self-explaining.
- Raise clear message when a data container with OAuth can not be opened.
- Rate limit on similar requests.
- Register non-displayed errors.

Bug fixes:
- Do not start monitor; AWS code does not check whether it was started previously and it autostarts.
- Enable Power BI downloads across multiple data containers.
- Fix bug sending incorrectly compressed responses.
- Return HTTP 401 unauthorized instead of 200 with a weird itgenahr029 error when the incorrect Bridge Online password is specified.
- Show error when user is blocked [ITGEN-5057].
- Use DateTimeOffset for DateTime fields.

Version 17.33.313-BETA, released 2019-05-18.

- Add anonymization and row count restrictions.
- Add Bridge Online ico.
- Add Cloud API.
- Add databases endpoint to Bridge Online
- Add default AppData folder.
- Add execution order to data containers.
- Add on completed handler to response cache to allow writing to logs.
- Add samples for Bridge Online.
- Add samples.
- Add support for multi providers.
- Add support for unsigned integers on Invantive Bridge Online for platforms such a MySQL.
- Allow editing of client IP address in Cloud and validation in Bridge Online.
- Allow specification whether partitioned and/or non-partitioned tables must be included.
- Allow use of connectors other than Exact Online.
- Apply license validation.
- Basic authentication.
- Basic request throttling.
- Better error messages.
- Bridge Online: register session IOs.
- Change type of message for itgenboe010.
- Check that user is allowed to log on.
- Configuration refactoring and $top support.
- Delay failed consecutive log ins.
- Display retrieval errors in Power BI.
- Enable client IP address restrictions.
- Enable use of compression on Bridge Online [ITGEN-4296].
- Extend anonymization to persons and email addresses.
- Improve anonymization.
- Improve error message itgenboe030.
- Improve error message itgenboe031.
- Improve error message itgenboe034.
- Improve naming of temporary database definition.
- Improve Power BI message format.
- Improve selection of connectors to display on message itgenboe034.
- Improve session I/O logging of Bridge Online.
- Include tables functions with no required parameters.
- Include UID in OData error message.
- Invantive OData endpoint.
- Log Odata URL processed by Bridge Online using itgenlicXXX message code to customer service. [ITGEN-4305].
- Log useful metrics on ASP.NET Core.
- Make casing consistent of appsettings.json.
- Make generic.
- Make maximum number of columns to be returned configurable to circumvent Power BI error "The type of the current preview value is too complex to display.".
- Make presence of JSON user settings optional.
- Performance optimizations XML providers.
- Periodically refresh cache settings from Cloud API.
- Prepare user specific sessions.
- Raise error when not at least one data container is accessible instead of returning empty EDM model.
- Reduce use of config file.
- Refine logged table name for complex OData queries.
- Rename /api to /odata4 in url [ITGEN-4277].
- Response caching.
- Retrieve metadata dependent on user.
- Retrieve metadata, get results using simple SQL statement.
- Retry when API server temporarily down.
- Return EDM contents in sorted order.
- Set billing ID and reference.
- Set Bridge Online password.
- Store user settings in state instead of retrieving over and over again [ITGEN-4282].
- Streaming fetching and sending of data.
- Switch to use of user Bridge Online.
- Update to .NET Core 3.1.
- Upgrade to .NET Core 2.2.
- Upgrade to use of parameter.
- Use Cognito.
- Use Invantive Cloud API to retrieve credentials.
- Validate IP address

Bug fixes:
- Add temporary workaround for ITGEN-4846.
- Avoid NullReference when closing sessions.
- Better error handling retrieving OAuth token.
- Compress before handling errors so error messages are correctly compressed too.
- Correct output data type of unsigned integers to decimal.
- Exclude table functions with parameters for now until we support them.
- Fix discovery showing username and password login for OAuth client credentials providers when it shouldn't.
- Fix issue where sessions were recreated again and again.
- Fix itgenboe021 instead of a functional error when selecting an incorrect database.
- Forward execution options along more paths to allow proper disk cache root settings.
- Implement logging on Bridge Online (and maybe issue on Data Hub Core too). [ITGEN-4304]
- Prevent setup error when retrieving EDM model of an inaccessible database.
- Retrieve metadata for delayed object definitions.
- Set language and load translations.
- Thread safety on loading metadata.
- Truncate fields when exceeding the limit of 3000 fields (Power BI finds these tables too complex and will not show any table) [ITGEN-4521].
- Use call safe name when constructing SQL.