Release Notes of Invantive(R) Estate GUI 20.1.532-BETA

Invantive(R) Estate GUI

Forms for Invantive Estate.

Created: 05/08/2021 15:43:31 (UTC, deploy002)

Version: 20.1.532

State: Beta

MSI Product ID: d8cd23e9-8775-4213-956b-68b46595a57b

Manufacturer: Invantive Software B.V.

Brand: Invantive

Category: Business

Permissions: Software Requirements: Tags:

Included Components:

- Improve data container ID determination.
- Allow mail not to be sent.
- Add option to close application on console menus.
- Default the language code when adding a person to an organisation.
- Add unt_datum_start_gebruiksrecht and unt_datum_einde_gebruiksrecht fields to unit search.
- Add search on person identity.
- Add barcode.
- Search on barcode.
- Add barcode to units and end payment holidays to parties.
- Check country of license owner.
- Make non-dependent of tasks for licenses.
- Disable check bubsute041.
- Include non-primary key field value of 'field' in update on ActiveCampaign contact custom field.
- Extend SMTP conversation by message codes.
- Add price lists to explorer.
- Avoid UTF-8 encoding of mail subjects when there are no special characters in them.
- No longer send copy of license key to support mail.

Bug fixes:
- Permanently disable strong name verification.
- Remove superfluous spacing in error message.
- Fix ORA-06502 on large emails.
- Do not also close search result window when search window is closed automatically.
- Fix log on bug.

Version 17.33.89-BETA, released 2019-09-03.

- Improve error handling when URL of report server can not be reached.
- Perform check that customer is not temporarily blocked when generating a license.
- Add support for Oracle 19 client drivers.
- Use .NET 4.7 auto scaling for high DPI [ITGEN-4219].
- Improve performance by reducing use of DateTime.Now.
- Add new splash screen for Estate.
- Display splash screen on startup of Invantive Business.
- Move to Office Starter for faster start-up.
- Add references to organization and unit.
- Reduce chance of internal Office NullReferenceException.
- Changes due to adding support for Linux/Unix/Mac OS on Invantive Producer products.
- Add elaboration on what currencies are used.
- Update business layer.
- Exclude settings.xml from session initiation procedure.
- Exclude settings.xml from session initiation procedure.
- Increase maximum size of result set to above 4 billion rows.
- Support Oracle 18c RDBMS client drivers.
- Add check on connection pooling in Estate.
- Add VAT Purchase fields for organisation.
- Column for split VAT sales/purchase.
- Improve startup with errors.
- Indicate with search unit whether it is still active.
- Add fields for temporarily blocking parties as customer or supplier.

Bug fixes:
- Fix bubsuty024 to exclude check on session ID from report server.
- Re-enable use of TLS 1.0 in combination with Invantive Estate and Vision.
- Refactoring for case sensitive column of Oracle driver.
- Fix installation of database requiring settings.
- Always enable main tab, don't show license dialog when function is not licensed.
- Add missing view element to GIS.
- Improve handling of internal NullReferenceException in Office VSTO.
- Include user information from middle tiers such as Producer or Estate in connection state.
- Fix itgenefd004 error on 3 entities having number with maximum length in characters.
- Fix default button on sync.
- Only memorize search results that can be opened later.
- Correct default button in message boxes.
- Fix native log on [ITGEN-3595].
- Make referenced code table primary keys updateable again.
- Remove settings from session log ons.
- Correctly determine user name from credentials container.
- Correctly hand over country to Exact Online.
- Add proper escaping of reserved words across all SQL platforms.
- Reduce maximum load on UNDO tablespace when there are many messages to purge.
- Prevent using connection pooling on Estate through the web service.
- Correctly upload gender and title to Exact Online through XML API.
- Avoid JSON errors by making email address cache public.
- Avoid Null Reference error when changing license key after logging on.
- Show correct product name in Diagnostics window.
- Avoid pop-up for license window in Outlook on startup and re-connect.
- Correct file names for multiple attachments in one mail when archiving.
- Avoid duplicate file names for saving attachments from emails to Invantive Vision.
- Raise error when an Invantive SQL Oracle connection is used instead of native SQL.
- Add Copy function to Unit Relations form.
- Clarify error message when HTTP fetch fails.
- Fix parameter binding.