Release Notes of Invantive® Data Hub 24.1.3-BETA

Invantive® Data Hub

Invantive Data Hub is command-line driven software that is capable of executing Invantive Query Tool-compatible scripts across many database and cloud platforms. Ideal for high volume data loads and extractions of cloud applications such as Exact Online or Salesforce. It provides a headless mode which makes it ideal for use in server environments and scheduled uploads and downloads in lights-out operations. Invantive Data Hub is also an ideal execution environment for large data replication jobs using Invantive Data Replicator.

These release notes describe all bug fixes and enhancements on Invantive® Data Hub per released version. The release number consists of three elements: major version, minor version and patch version. The latest version is listed on top of the list, with older releases further down. Notes are listed per patch release for the current minor release. Changes from patch releases are bundled for previous minor releases. The release notes include all changes deemed informative for use outside the product development team. Refactoring, logging, translations and internal code-only changes are not included in these external release notes. A change is considered a bug fix when it solves a problem with previously released functionality. A change is considered an enhancement when the software change extends previously released functionality.

This software, developed by Invantive, is designed to support a variety of business and information technology data processing functions, such as accounting, financial reporting an sales reporting. It is important to note that this software is not designed, tested, or approved for use in environments where malfunction or failure could lead to life-threatening situations or severe physical or environmental damage. This includes, but is not limited to:

Users must ensure that they understand the intended use of the software and refrain from deploying it in any setting that falls outside of its designed purpose. It is the responsibility of the user to assess the suitability of the software for their intended application, especially in any scenarios that might pose a risk to life, health, or the environment.

Invantive disclaims any responsibility for damage, injury, or legal consequences resulting from the use or misuse of this software in prohibited or unintended applications.

Version: 24.1.3

Released: 17-03-2024 18:15:40 (UTC)

State: Beta

Manufacturer: Invantive Software B.V.

Brand: Invantive

Operating systems:

  • Microsoft Windows 10
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2016 (64-bit)
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2019
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2022

Memory Requirements: 1 GB


  • Requires Internet access.
  • Requires all required Operating System updates applied at most 1 month ago.
  • Installation needs administrative privileges.

Software Requirements:

  • Microsoft .NET 4.8 or higher.
  • Screen resolution 1280x1024 or higher.
  • User license for databases used and/or business applications.

Limitations: For use in service area within important safety and usage conditions.

Category: Business


Download (URL): (212 MB)

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Manual (URL):

Manual (PDF):


  • activecampaign
  • afas-online
  • autotask
  • bridge-online
  • confluence
  • console
  • documentcloud
  • dropbox
  • dynamicscrm
  • ecb-exchange-rates
  • edifact
  • exact-online
  • ezbase
  • facebook
  • firebird
  • foxpro
  • freshdesk
  • ftp
  • gitlab
  • headless
  • jira
  • jira-service-desk
  • kadaster
  • keepass
  • linkedin
  • magento
  • mail
  • mendix
  • microsoft-graph
  • mt940
  • mysql
  • nasa
  • nmbrs
  • oauth
  • octopus
  • odata
  • onenote
  • openarch
  • open-exchange-rates
  • oracle
  • ossus
  • paypal
  • postgresql
  • proactive
  • robaws
  • roller
  • rss
  • salesforce
  • schedule
  • severa
  • sftp
  • silveressence
  • simplicate
  • slack
  • snelstart
  • sql
  • sql-server
  • stackexchange
  • stackoverflow
  • swagger
  • swift
  • teamleader
  • teamviewer
  • teradata
  • twinfield
  • twitter
  • ubl
  • vies
  • virustotal
  • visma-eaccounting
  • visma-net
  • visma-severa
  • wikipedia
  • xaa
  • xaf
  • xas
  • yuki

MSI Product Name: Invantive Data Hub 24.1

MSI Product ID: ac86d1c0-85ab-4839-8e40-1fb2a8079c82

MSI Version ID: ac86d1c0-85ab-4839-8e40-1fb201001800

Included Components:

Version 24.1.3-BETA, released 2024-03-17.

- Remove Google Analytics from Manual.

Bug fixes:
- Fix hang on log on on multi-platform Data Hub.

Version 22.1.265-BETA, released 2022-07-22.

- Add Elastic variables.
- Allow providing product specific translations.
- Improve user interface language defaulting.
- Load translations for all display languages.
- Move to .NET 4.8.
- Print session ID to logging.
- Provider attribute category translations.
- Upgrade from .net Framework 4.7.2 to 4.8.0.

Bug fixes:
- Do not retry when connecting has failed and do not cut out after 2 attempts
- First check before deleting file.
- Fix OAuth refresh token flow from Data Hub and QueryTool.

Details of Release Notes:

Version 24.1.3:
Do not retry when connecting has failed and do not cut out after 2 attempts
#	src/Invantive.Producer.Data.Hub/QueryEngine.cs

Version 20.2.196, released 2021-10-26.

- Change execution log and native call logging to NDJSON format.
- Give hint on running Data Hub interactive on itgenlic251.
- Prefix output with optional timestamp.
- Separate prefix and SQL statement when SQL statement has line feeds.
- Upgrade to .NET 6.

Version 20.1.528-BETA, released 2020-10-03.

- Add "local host" Invantive Script statement.
- Add "local on error default" to Invantive Script.
- Add log file and trace file name path to Data Hub end-user failure reports.
- Add option to close application on console menus.
- Add printing of dbms_output.
- Generate more unique message codes.
- Improve DBMS output on Query Tool.
- Include dbms_output also in Data Hub log files.
- Make locker readonly.
- Memorize last action.
- On invalid email address on Data Hub offer correction before log on.
- Register date/time of occurrence of dbms_output.
- Save refresh token in Invantive KeyChain.
- Show error itgendhb232 when the log file name/path is empty.

Bug fixes:
- Enable again 64-bit mode on Data Hub.
- Fix NullReferenceException on 'use'.
- Fix NullReferenceException when using 'use xx@alias' on Data Hub.
- Fix Producer repository log on using managed Oracle driver.
- Make unwrapped error codes in Data Hub less confusing.
- Only print error context when present.
- Raise error when file being loaded in Data Hub Windows and .ent core does not exist and running in headless mode.
- Switch back to 64-bit to increase maximum addressable memory.

Version 17.33.322-BETA, released 2019-06-16.

- Add Mac OSX support.
- Indicate that encrypted value is a license key instead of the default 'password' text on decryption failure.

Bug fixes:
- Avoid superfluous question when last statement in batch fails in interactive mode.
- Differentiate progress messages between SQL and PSQL.
- Fix exit code being reset from non-zero to 0 when a nested SQL script is executed after an error occurred during 'on error continue' mode.
- Fix NullReference when pressing CTRL-D on Mac during entry or CTRL-Z on MS-DOS.
- Improve clarity of message itgendhb086.
- Log time in UTC.
- Return exit code also from files started from @ or @@.

Version 17.31.84-BETA, released 2019-01-15.

- Add .NET Core version of Invantive Data Hub.
- Avoid NullReferenceException on Debian 8.
- Data Hub: Add license key command line argument.
- Print final error to console for console apps when the exit code is not equal to 0.
- Replace Mac version of Data Hub by .net core version.
- Upgrade to 4.7.2.

Bug fixes:
- Avoid waiting for manual entry when the program is running non-interactive and early on a license error occurs.
- Can't connect to SQL Server or PostgreSQL due to missing references [ITGEN-3767].
- Correctly load license key from command line [ITGEN-4011].
- Fix System.Runtime not found exception  [ITGEN-3857].

Version 17.29.51-BETA, released 2018-12-29.

- Add verbose command line argument.
- Improve startup performance [ITGEN-451].

Bug fixes:
- Correct reversed logic of logoverwrite command line parameter  [ITGEN-3540].

Version 17.28.1, released 2018-10-22.

Bug fixes:
- Show actual error instead of NulLReferenceException when Invantive Web Services returns itgencmr008.

Version 17.23.43-BETA, released 2018-04-18.

- Add use of encrypted Invantive Script variable values [SECURITY].
- Enable use of logon settings.
- Improve clarity of error message itgendhb077.
- Memorize and use multiple credentials per data container alias.
- Print log on progress when running headless.
- Save credentials new logon dialog.
- Set data container credentials.
- Set provider attributes and variables through command line.

Bug fixes:
- Reduce memory consumption [ITGEN-2582].
- Return exit code unequal to 0 when an error occurs in 'on error continue' mode.

Version 17.14.18-BETA, released 2018-03-23.

- Add new log file name parameter Windows host name, user name and domain name.
- Add support for date/time masks in log file name.
- Explain command line arguments.
- Update documentation.

Version 17.11.0-RC, released 2017-11-04.

- Add @@ to load script from folder from which last script was loaded.