Release Notes of Invantive(R) Bridge Connectors for Power BI 20.1.530-BETA

Invantive(R) Bridge Connectors for Power BI

Invantive Bridge Connectors for Power BI

Created: 04/08/2021 15:03:20 (UTC, deploy003)

Version: 20.1.530

State: Beta

MSI Product ID: 37a1f3d1-bcff-4359-8b20-4b33307560d7

Manufacturer: Invantive Software B.V.

Brand: Invantive

Category: Business

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File size: 4 MB

Permissions: Software Requirements: Tags:
Version 20.1.467-BETA, released 2021-06-30.

- Make locker readonly.

Version 20.1.288-BETA, released 2020-07-05.

- Switch object size resolution from KB to bytes.

Version 20.1.20-BETA, released 2020-04-16.

- Split system and SQL errors.

Bug fixes:
- Include release number even when itgenlic489 occurs.
- Fix discovery showing username and password login for OAuth client credentials providers when it shouldn't.
- Error handling.

Version 17.33.71-BETA, released 2019-06-19.

- Auto-discovery for multi-platform products.
- Upgrade to 4.7.2.
- Increase maximum size of result set to above 4 billion rows.
- Add compatibility checks on startup.
- New logon dialog. Updated credentials storage.
- Delay returning data in ADO.NET provider for faster performance retrieving the first few rows.
- Moved all Exact Online Power BI connectors to one. Allow setting connection string settings (like api-client-id) and on connect SQL (like 'use all' or '@@run_this_file.sql').
- Updated partitioning in Control and Composition to allow selection of the partition when having multiple data containers opened, like two Exact Online accounts.
- Write user messages to trace.
- Enable configuration of license through environment variable or fixed location.
- Add environment variable INVANTIVE_ADONET_LOG_FILE to control name of log file for Invantive Bridge.
- Adapt ADO.NET provider default language to Windows user interface language.
- No longer actively create an IIID.
- DDEX: Added provider information.

Bug fixes:
- Renaming provider attribute.
- Fix endless recursion on initialization.
- Fix state helper not available during trace utility reinitialization on first use.
- Fix log on to Exact Online using Bridge with credentials.
- Do not throw any excemption by Invantive Bridge.
- Support 201805 release of Power BI Desktop.
- Enable Power BI connector on April 2018 release of Power BI.
- Auto-create invantive folder for license file on first use.
- Correct prefix on Exact Online provider.
- Fix unimplemented get_Version of DataContext in Bridge [ITGEN-2236].
- Allow using the license placed in the Invantive folder.
- Avoid NullReferenceException from preview in Power BI.
- Switch to new metadata structure of Invantive ADO.NET driver for translated table names.
- Fix async method hanging on opening connection.
- Circumvent bug in exception handling by Power BI releases up to at least 2017 Nov.
- Determine data type for Invantive SQL based upon DbType provided for a DbParameter.
- Correct label of XML audit files to be match contents instead of always XML Auditfile Salaris 7.0.
- Avoid error on Shared State not registered.